Jessie Biles, President & Founder

A Personal Motto or Quote - If I can help somebody as I travel along, then my living will not be in vain.

Fun Fact About You - I am a musician!

My Vision for Our Students - It is my endeavor to impact a student to the point that they will take what they learn from ETTs and impact someone else life.

Favorite Scripture - Ps. 1:1-6

Eric Anthony Brown, Vice President & Dean

A Personal Motto or Quote- You define YOU!

Fun Fact About You - I enjoy shooting pool, playing dominoes and being around water.

My Vision for Our Students - My vision is to infect and influence individuals to be change agents while augmenting their capacity.

Favorite Scripture - Psalm 23:4

Dr. Roderick L. Trotter, Assistant Dean

A Personal Motto or Quote - “I’m not everyone’s cup of tea”

Fun Fact About You - I can be your best friend or your worst enemy

My Vision for Our Students - Be the best you that you can be

Favorite Scripture - I’m a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who brought you out of darkness into his marvelous light;   I Peter 2:9

Mishka Bouldwin, Director of Strategy & Operations 

A Personal Motto or Quote - Keep moving forward, step by step, with grace and determination.

Fun Fact About Me - I am legally blind, but I don't let that stop me. My ability to keep serving and smiling is my superpower.

My Vision for Our Students - I want to be there for our students, cheering them on so they feel strong and encouraged all the way to their graduation day. It's all about helping them believe they can make it.

Favorite Scripture - Philippians 4:13 

Maurice K. Mickles, I - Doctoral Chair

A Personal Motto or Quote - #KeepGoing

Fun Fact About You - I am an eighth-generation preacher who has been preaching since the age of six.

My Vision for Our Students - My ambition is to provide our students an example of what faithful study of the Scriptures looks like and to demonstrate how that applies in the context of pulpit ministry.

Favorite Scripture - Psalm 78:72; Colossians 1:28

Ashley Thomas, Writing Coordinator

Personal Motto or Quote - You cannot pour from an empty cup.

Fun Fact About You - I love to laugh and making others smile is my specialty

My Vision for Our Students - I believe that in order to be heard and respected, you have to write in a way that commands the attention you desire. Writing is one of the pathways to freedom for the soul and I hope to help the students of ETTS express themselves  and convey the message with precise expertise.

Favorite Scripture - Hebrews 12:14 KJV

Dr. Caarne L. White, Professor

A Personal Motto or Quote - "Nothing beats a fail but a try!" -Carnell Elliott,  Sr.

Fun Fact About You - I am not athletic, but highly competitive!

My Vision for Our Students - My vision for our students is to grow their capacity as learners so they may build out the spiritual formation and faith development of the 21st century Christian.

Favorite Scripture - Joshua 1:9 "Be strong in a good courage. Be not afraid nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you where do you go."

William Anthony Jordan, Professor

A Personal Motto or Quote - Pleasing God is all that matters!

Fun Fact About You - My dry humor

My Vision for Our Students - Relevant and practical teaching is my desire.

Favorite Scripture - Psalm 91

Patricia Williams, Professor

A Personal Motto or Quote - My mother always taught us to “Monitor & Adjust”. These are the words I live by daily.

Fun Fact About You - I am the proud mother of two sets of twins. Brooklyn & Brandon-Age 32 Joshua & Jocelyn-Age 28

My Vision for Our Students - My prayer is that each student will reach their goal of obtaining a degree from ETTS.

It is my desire to be the conduit through which they will be able to receive the nurture and training necessary to accomplish this task.

Favorite Scripture - Romans 8:18 KJV